Hello and thank you for visiting my site and blog. This is my very first blog and I am so excited to launch this site and take my art business to the next level. I have been in and out of selling art over the past ten years. Now, amidst the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have had a lot of time to think about my goals and readjust my focus. Hopefully with a little time management and patience I learn the art of website building and blogging.
I work full time as a high school art teacher and much of this blog will be dedicated to projects and lesson plans for students. As a teacher I am always looking for something new to bring to the classroom and to pay it forward I will share my experiences for other art educators.
Outside of work, I have two boys, ages 2 and 4 and they are the sun in my sky. We have a very pet friendly family. Our dogs Minnow and Squid, and horse Val are our best friends (more on Val later). Finding a balance between work, art making, and family time, and healthy living is not always easy but I was taught that family comes first. So how do I do it? I wake up early and drink one hundred cups of coffee throughout the day. I try to do everything on the screen while the kids are asleep and I make art whenever I can. I even keep a box of art supplies in my car just in case I find a free moment to paint.
Growing up in Point Pleasant and enjoying lots of time at the beach and plenty of visits to the mountains has made me appreciate fresh air, bright sun, and the smell of salt water. I love doing anything outside. My favorite activities are hiking, horseback riding, trail running, and taking my kids on adventures.
Thanks again for visiting my website and stay tuned as I will be updating it regularly. Please follow my Instagram because all new work gets posted there right away. www.instagram.com/melissahoodart
